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We’ve pulled together a collection of
useful resources to help you along your
musical journey.

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Inspirational Recorder Class

Jasmine Smith sparks a love for music in children by teaching them how to play the recorder.

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Zarie on Her Passion for Piano

Zarie - talks about her love of playing the piano and why music is so important to her.

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Christmas Concert

"Jingle Bells" Violin with Piano - Christmas Concert 2023

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Ecossaise in G

"Ecossaise in G" Christmas Concert 2023

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The Trout

"The Trout" solo guitar - Christmas Concert 2023

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Resources Files

How we operate

Terms and Conditions
Yearly Calendar
Fees for tuition

My First Instrument

Coming soon ...

Coloured Strings Music Kindergarten

Colourstrings Music Kindergarten

Resources Files

Fees for tuition
Yearly Calendar
Terms and Conditions
Coming soon ...
Terms & Conditions 2024/25
Colourstrings Music Kindergarten
Colourstrings Music Kindergarten

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

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Colourstrings Music Kindergarten
Introduce your baby or child to music in a great way! Through a variety of enjoyable activities, your youngster will be gently introduced to all aspects of music.
Choose an age-appropriate class for your child. 
Babies Class - 12 months to 2 years of age
Children/Toddler Class Ages 2 to 3 olds
Nursery Classes 3 to 4 year olds
Booking essential!
How often are the lessons
Lessons are offered weekly.
Are lessons always at the same time?
Your lesson time slot is reserved exclusively for you, and once the term has started, you cannot change it because we a always full.
Do I need to bring my instrument?
Yes, you need to be able to practice what you are learning from week to week at home.
If you play piano or drum, you don't need to bring an instrument to the lesson.
If you're waiting to buy an instrument, we offer a variety of instruments of different sizes for you to use while you wait.
We do not offer wind instruments. You must bring your own wind instrument unless it's a recorder, which we provide for in-lesson use only.
Can I pay for one lesson at a time?
At The Music Place, we provide music lessons on a subscription basis. This means that students commit to a specific number of lessons for a set period, usually a term. Prior to the beginning of each term, students must buy a full term of lessons. If a student joins later, a prorated purchase option is available. Discounts are available for siblings and families with two or more students.
We request a notice of at least half a term before discontinuing lessons. This allows us sufficient time to find a replacement.
Can I pay in instalments?
Payment plans are available for ten or more weeks of tuition. If you want this option, set it up before your first lesson. Our secure and convenient Go Cardless Payment Plan splits the payment into three easy instalments.
Do I need to enroll every term?
You are automatically enrolled from term to term, and your time is reserved for you across each term. Lessons continue unless you write to us to tell us you are stopping. You get a new invoice three weeks before each term. If you give us a leave notice during the mid-term break, there will be no renewal invoice.
Can I stop lessons at any time during the term?
No, six weeks/half-term notice must be given in writing before stopping the lessons. The exact dates are published every term.
Will I get a refund if I miss my lesson?
The Music Place has a no-refund policy.
Refunds or make-up lessons are not provided for lessons missed due to short-term sickness, school trips/activities, exam revision leave, family events, or exams.
What if my teacher misses my lesson?
If a teacher cancels a lesson due to illness or travel delays, we offer a catch-up lesson or a credit towards the following term’s fees.
Will I ever get a different teacher on the day?
Occasionally, your assigned teacher may have a concert, family commitment, or personal reasons that require a stand-in teacher to conduct the lesson. In such cases, our first action is to find a qualified teacher on our team. If no one is available, we refer to our list of teachers specializing in short-term cover work.